August 18, 2021 3 min read


Liseth González and her husband had been trying to have a baby for six years, a path that has been hard on the young couple, who had to face a failed pregnancy three years ago.

“That was like a knife in my chest, when I understood that that would not be the time we were having a baby. I even doubted that if the pregnancy had only been a figment of my imagination," González said. "Then, two more years passed and the need (for a baby) was still there," he added.

In December 2019, González received a new pregnancy announcement. “We were happy, we were afraid and we let a few weeks go by so as not to suffer another disappointment. I took care of myself from ay one, and my fears were gone when I first heard the baby’s heartbeat. It was like palpable proof of my pregnancy and no one else could make me wonder if I had been pregnant or not”, the young mother commented.

Since feeling that first movement in her womb, González talked to her daughter, urging her to be strong and brave, telling her about all the love her parents have for her and the desire they have to see her for the first time.

Her pregnancy went by without complications, with all her check-ins done at the Clínica Verde, and she even joined the Maternal and Child Welfare Group.

“I have felt supported and part of a family because of the humane attention and care that I receive from everyone, especially from the doctor (gynecologist) Lester Baca (…) It has also been a beautiful experience to belong to the group of Maternal and Child Welfare at Clínica Verde, where I was able to share a space with women who, like me, awaited the arrival of their babies. In the group, we were also taught how to correctly care and nourish ourselves and the new being growing inside us”, she described.

She also urged mothers not to give up, that everything has its time and "that everything that is wished for with faith and patience is rewarded," she concluded.


Here is the blog in Spanish:

Liseth González y su esposo llevaban seis años intentando tener un bebé; camino que se ha sido duro y lleno de angustias para la joven pareja, quienes debieron afrontar un embarazo fallido hace tres años.

“Eso fue como un cuchillo en mi pecho, ahí entendí que esta vez no sería, hasta dude que si el embarazo solo había estado en mi mente”, relató González. “Luego pasaron dos años más y la necesidad (de un bebé) seguía ahí”, agregó.

En diciembre de 2019, González recibió una nueva noticia de embarazo. “sentimos felicidad, sentimos miedo y dejamos pasar algunas semanas para no sufrir otra desilusión, claro, me cuidé desde el primer día y en el fondo muy feliz, pero mis miedos se fueron cuando escuche por primera vez el corazón de mi niña, era la prueba palpable y que nadie más me podría decir que si estaba segura de estar embarazada, desde entonces vivo mi maternidad con mayor felicidad”, comentó alegremente la joven madre.

 Desde el primer movimiento en su vientre, González habló con su hija, instándola a ser fuerte y valiente, contándole todo el amor que le tienen sus padres y las ganas que tienen de verla por primera vez.

Su embarazo transcurrió sin complicaciones, con todos sus controles realizados en la Clínica Verde, e incluso se unió al Grupo de Bienestar Materno Infantil.

“Me he sentido apoyada y en familia por el tipo de atención tan humanista que recibo de todos, especialmente del doctor (ginecólogo) Lester Baca (…) También ha sido una bonita experiencia pertenecer al grupo de embarazadas de la clínica verde, donde he logrado compartir con mujeres que al igual que yo viven su dulce espera, también porque nos enseñan la manera correcta de nutrirnos y como semana a semana va creciendo ese nuevo ser dentro de nosotras”, describió.

Asimismo, instó a las madres a no darse por vencidas, que todo tiene su tiempo y “que todo lo que se quiere debajo del cielo tiene su hora”, concluyó.

Story developed by Inês Santos (she/her)

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