Novaveil is a novel textile innovation that allows a bio-repellent that is highly effective against mosquitoes and ticks to bind to fabric at the molecular level.
Maternova is commercializing this technology for use in infant products and pregnancy apparel in areas where vector-borne illness (malaria, dengue, EEE, West Nile) is a persistent threat to health during the daytime. Â
The NovaVeil textile is still active (repelling mosquitoes and ticks) even after 80+ washings. We have worked with labs and with field sites to assess user acceptability and compliance with wearing the textile. The cotton fabric is odorless and thus much more amenable to compliance than a bug spray that goes on the skin or clothing. Field tests with Americares in El Salvador and New Life Birthing Centers in Uganda and Ethiopia.Â
NovaVeil protective apparel has been tested in Uganda, El Salvador and Ethiopia with groups of pregnant women who are part of a catchment area for both rural and urban antenatal care clinics. The user acceptability was extremely high in all settings.
Maternova is a proud recipient of Grand Challenges Stars in Global Health status and funding for our work with this novel technology.
Please contact us at for partnerships and licensing.