julio 26, 2023 1 lectura mínima
Hear first-hand what customers think of Maternova, from how our products have aided in direct medical care or how our company’s overall mission has enabled others to make progress towards improving maternal and newborn health across the globe.
The Non-Pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) is an affordable, reusable and evidence-based, first-aid device that can be used to stabilize women who are experiencing obstetric hemorrhage (bleeding occurring before or after childbirth).
The NASG is capable of lowering maternal mortality rates by reversing shock caused by obstetric hemorrhages. The light-weight compression device secures with velcro and can be used anywhere in the world and by anyone regardless of their level of medical training. An NASG can be worn for up to 48 hours. During that time, the compression creates increased blood circulation allowing providers a longer window of time to identify and treat the cause of bleeding.
Purchasers of the product from the Philippines have reached back out to Maternova to tell us, “We love the NASGs. They work very fast to bring blood pressure up and reduce symptoms of shock after hemorrhage.”
Featured Photo taken by Scott Penwell.
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